R. Chadeisson (1961) 和 A. Monnet (1994) 根据监测得到的不同岩土体中基坑支护结构位移,以及计算得到的达到被动土压力时结构的位移量,推导出了计算土的水平反力系数的表达式:
其中: | EI | - | 支挡结构抗弯刚度 [kNm2/m] |
γ | - | 土的容重 [kN/m3] | |
Kp | - | 被动土压力系数 [-] | |
K0 | - | 静止土压力系数 [-] | |
c´ | - | 有效粘聚力 [kPa] | |
Ap | - | 粘聚力影响系数(取值范围为 1-15)[-] |
Chadeisson, R. (1961) Parois continues moulées dans le sols. Proceedings of the 5th European Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Vol. 2. Dunod, Paris, 563-568".
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N. M. ILIEŞ, T. A. HULPUȘ, A. POPA: Design of Anchored Walls: The Influence of Design Approaches and Design Methods. Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Romania, 2010.