Min Max Estimate
Min-Max Estimate
Both krig_2d and krig_3d include the ability to compute the Minimum and Maximum Estimate, which is computed using the nominal estimates and standard deviations at every grid node based upon the user input Min-Max Plume Confidence.
If this Confidence value were set to 68% then we would be adding one standard deviation to the nominal estimate to create the Max and subtracting one standard deviation to create the Min. The higher you set the Min-Max Plume Confidence the greater the multiplier for standard deviations which are added/subtracted to create the Max/Min.
The Min & Max Estimates provide the best technique to determine when your site is adequately characterized. Some sites may have very complex contaminant distributions and high gradients while others may be very simple. Applying a single standard for sampling based on fixed spacing will never be optimal.
It is up to the regulators and property owners to determine the ultimate criteria, but generally having the ability to assess the variation in the expected plume volume and the corresponding variation in analyte mass within, provides the best metric for assessing when a site has been sufficiently characterized.
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