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  • Installing Floating License Standalone on a Laptop

Installing Floating License Standalone on a Laptop

Installing Floating License Standalone on a Laptop

EVS floating or Enterprise licenses can be setup to be used standalone on a laptop or other computer not connected to a network. The installation differs slightly from the normal client installation of the C Tech Client Software.

First, install the C Tech Floating License or Enterprise Server on your primary server (can be any computer or server on your LAN/WAN/VPN) as well as on your laptop. Then, install Earth Volumetric Studio on the laptop. C Tech Client Software is provided only by download.

Configure your Earth Volumetric Studio License Manager options as discussed in the Floating or Enterprise client installation pages. Be sure to include a localhost server.

When you are remote from your LAN, attach the C Tech USB dongle and open Services.

If the C Tech Floating or Premier (as applicable) License Server is not started, then start it.

When you are finished operating remotely, you can return the hardware key to the server.  Be sure to always power computers off or use the SAFE REMOVE feature before removing keys.

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